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Free Professionally Designed
Infection Control Posters

Click on the poster image for a larger view of the poster or to download the jpg version. Click on "printable pdf" to view and download a high-resolution pdf version of the poster. The print-resolution files are set up for 11"x17" paper and are available in A4 by request.  If you have difficulties contact Paul Webber

COPYRIGHT ... These poster files are intended to be downloaded and/or printed, and you may do so without further need of permission provided that the files are unaltered.

#108  Kinda like a Monday morning (printable pdf)

#107  Don't stick your neck out - get your vaccinations (printable pdf)

#106  Germs love your stuff (printable pdf)

#105  Germs blend into the scenery (printable pdf)

#104  Vomiting at work is just not cool (printable pdf)

#103  Bacteria learn (printable pdf)

#102  I left you a little gift (printable pdf)

#101  Germs love public transport (printable pdf)

#100  Know that your food is safe (printable pdf)

#99  Lovin' my infection-free life (printable pdf)

#98  I swear I will clean my paws (printable pdf)

#97  Infection prevention takes a load off (printable pdf)

#96  Cover your sneeze please (printable pdf)

#95  Love those clean paws (printable pdf)

#94 Fewer infections, more snuggling (printable pdf)

#93  Not feeling blissful about your cough (printable pdf)

#92  How to lose friends and irritate people (printable pdf)

#91  Free your mind, then clean your mat (printable pdf)

#90  No drama, just good hygiene (printable pdf)

#89  Disinfect your hands on the way out (printable pdf)

#88  Germs fly with you (printable pdf)

#87  Healthy selfie ... infection-free (printable pdf)

#86 Deflated by influenza (printable pdf)

#85  Germs, they're small but they're tough  (printable pdf)

#84  The only safe way to pick your nose  (printable pdf)

#83  Preventing infections can be exhausting  (printable pdf)

#82  Influenza hides in plain sight  (printable pdf)

#81  Mugs grow all sorts of things  (printable pdf)

#80  Stayed home from work  (printable pdf)

#79  Cleanlines is irresistible  (printable pdf)

#78  This is for you germs  (printable pdf)

#77  What goes into your mouth?  (printable pdf)

#76  If germs looked like this  (printable pdf)

#75  Preventing infections - Intense  (printable pdf)

#74  Germs, you wanna piece of this?  (printable pdf)

#73 Happiness is people who clean their hands (printable pdf)

#72 Keeping clean .. Not traumatic (printable pdf)

#71 Germs travel too (printable pdf)

#70 When did you last clean your phone? (printable pdf)

#69 One sick puppy (printable pdf)

#68 Pick a healthier lifestyle (printable pdf)

#67 Less bugs, not more drugs (printable pdf)

#66 PPE - You rock that  (printable pdf)

#65 Healthy teeth & gums prevent infection (printable pdf)

#64 You're not touching me (printable pdf)

#63 Germs love gyms  (printable pdf)

#62 Germs are small but still scary  (printable pdf)

#61 And you didn't clean you hands why?  (printable pdf)

#60  Mind the pointy end   (printable pdf)

#59 PPE looks good on you  (printable pdf)

#58 Clean ... it's a good thing  (printable pdf)

#57 Influenza ... an equal-opportunity infection  (printable pdf)

#56 Don't even THINK about touching me  (printable pdf)

#55 Snagging germs before they snag you  (printable pdf)

#54 Infections are expensive  (printable pdf)

#53 What's growing in your coffee mug?  (printable pdf)

#52 Quit barking, I'll be out when I'm ready  (printable pdf)

#51 Planning a getaway?  (printable pdf)

#50 Got the sniffles?  (printable pdf)

#49 Look for signs of infection everywhere  (printable pdf)

#48 Germs ... Masters of disguise  (printable pdf)

#47 We're ready (printable pdf)

#46 Infection prevention ... Fabulous  (printable pdf)

#45 Careful cleaning ... Intelligent  (printable pdf)

#44 Can't-believe-you-didn't-clean-your-hands  (printable pdf)

#43 Gloves are single-use  (printable pdf)

#42 Germs travel  (printable pdf)

#41 Infection Prevention Rocks  (printable pdf)

#40 Germs ... Lurking where you touch (printable pdf)

#39 Personal protective equipment  (printable pdf)

#38 Sick? Stay home  (printable pdf)

#37 Did ya hear? Infection prevention works  (printable pdf)

#36 Cough into your fur, not your paw  (printable pdf)

#35 Sick puppy? Please don't visit  (printable pdf)

#34 Everyone's watching  (printable pdf)

#33 Clean is good ... really (printable pdf)

#32 Infection control protects  (printable pdf)

#31 Infection control ... smart  (printable pdf)

#30 Clean often, clean well  (printable pdf)

#29 You can't tell by looking  (printable pdf)

#28 Clean your paws - Before you eat  (printable pdf)

#27 I saw that  (printable pdf)

#26 Protect yourself, protect others  (printable pdf)

#25 Careful with that - It's covered in germs  (printable pdf)

#24 The gift that keeps on giving  (printable pdf)

#23 It's OK to ask #1  (printable pdf)

#22 It's OK to ask #2  (printable pdf)

#21 Needles & sharps - Handle with care   (printable pdf)

#20 Bee infection wise   (printable pdf)

#19 Infections are very very sad  (printable pdf)

#18 Go for infection control   (printable pdf)

#17 Keep watch - Infectious disease is sneaky  (printable pdf)

#16 Stop & think  (printable pdf)

#15 Seeing spots?  Wash   (printable pdf)

#14 Hoo helps prevent infections?  Yooooo  (printable pdf)

#13 Got garbage?  Dispose of waste properly   (printable pdf)

#12 Predator - Germs.  Prey - You.  (printable pdf)

#11 Please wash before you munch  (printable pdf)

#10 Infectious disease...Scary stuff   (printable pdf)

#9  I've got what?  Fight infectious disease  (printable pdf)

#8  Clean Hands are Sexy  (article)  (printable pdf)

#7 Clean Hands - Better Job   (article)  (printable pdf)

#6 Clean Hands - Better Vacations   (article)  (printable pdf)

#5 Clean Hands - More Sex    (article)  (printable pdf)

#4 Clean Hands - Longer Life   (article)  (printable pdf)

#3 Clean Hands - More Friends   (article)  (printable pdf)

#2 Clean Hands - More Money 1   (article)  (printable pdf)

#1 Clean Hands - More Money 2  (article)  (printable pdf)


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